Press release Bronswerk Heat Transfer and Bronswerk Heat Transfer Services

2 min read - published on January 5, 2021

Dear Sir/Madam,

Over the past two years, Bronswerk Heat Transfer Services B.V. has been operationally managed by the minority shareholder P&W Management (Evert Poss and Jan Wallet).

In consultation it was decided that the collaboration between Bronswerk Heat Transfer Services B.V. and Bronswerk Heat Transfer B.V. will be discontinued as of January 1, 2021. The two companies will continue their activities as independent companies.

The unbundling is now being settled legally, where the main purpose is to protect the interests of customers and suppliers in such a way that they notice as little as possible of the unbundling.

The services of both companies will of course remain unchanged and current projects will naturally be continued unabated.

On behalf of Bronswerk Heat Transfer B.V., Tessa Schäefer

On behalf of Bronswerk Heat Transfer Services B.V., Evert Poss

Jan Wallet

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